Tuesday 10 September 2013

Material-Media's Taking A Break!

That's right, I'm going to take a break from Material-Media for a while. Sorry readers! 

I feel that the blog is getting a little repetitive and needs a major revamp. Also, I start my third year of university this month and want all my time to be dedicated to that.

But I'd like to thank everyone who has taken time to read Material-Media. It's very much appreciated!

Abbey xo

Wednesday 4 September 2013

My Trip To Rome!

For the past five days, I've been in sunny Italy visiting Rome! In one word: Amazing. I've put together some photos of the must-see places if you're thinking about taking a trip to the capital city!

The Spanish Steps
A vibrant square with tonnes of steps surrounded by water fountains and roman buildings. The perfect place to watch the world go by!

The pizza and pasta in Rome is out of this world! Now I know why they are classed as 'Italian' food. The British take on it just doesn't compare!

The Vatican City
You have to visit the home of the Pope when you go to Rome! The Vatican City is absolutely beautiful and such a spectacle. Make sure you go inside to look at all the wonderful sculptures and paintings as well.

Trevi Fountain
This huge fountain is amazing. The water is so clear and the building is so clean! There's also a great lively atmosphere around this monument.

Monumento Nazionale A Vittorio Emanuele II
This fabulous building is a museum about the history of the Italian Army. It's a spectacular monument with a buzzing surrounding area. One of my favourite places in Rome! 

You definitely need to visit the Collosseum when you're in Rome! It's absolutely amazing. Make sure you also go inside and pay for an audio tour. It explains the history of this ancient building, which is fascinating.

Foro Romano
These roman ruins can be found between the Collosseum and Monumento Nazionale A Vittorio Emanuele II. It's astonishing to see these ancient buildings in the flesh. Very surreal!

Hope you've enjoyed my holiday snaps!

Abbey xo

Thursday 29 August 2013

The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Is A Must-See!

And here comes yet another romance sci-fi series following in the footsteps of The Twilight Saga and The Hunger Games. But this film is definitely a must-see for fans of this genre! 

What's good about it:
- The characters in the film portray those in the book perfectly. They act and look just how you imagine them.
- The graphics look fantastic and really make the film believable.
- The story line is so clever and complex. It's refreshing and like nothing I've ever seen before.

What's bad about it:
- The film doesn't include as much detail as Clare's book, but that's how it always is!
- Parts of the film were slightly cliche and cheesy. 
- The plot can be quite confusing in the film as there's less time to explain all the ins and outs. The written version provides a lot more depth into the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed watching The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones and recommend it to anyone who loves a bit of drama, action and romance!

Abbey xo

Saturday 24 August 2013

Cute Cushions

Everyone needs a cute cushion to brighten up their bedroom! Here's a selection...

Mine look so pretty on my bed!
Abbey xo

Sunday 18 August 2013

Sunday Baking

I spent my Sunday morning baking these scrumptious cupcakes! Here's how I made them...

- 4oz of margarine
- 4oz of caster sugar
- 40z of self raising flour
- 2 medium eggs

- 3oz icing sugar
- 2oz margarine
- Drop of stawberry essence
- Drop of vanilla essence
- Teaspoon of coffee

1. Cream the margarine and caster sugar together until light and fluffy.
2. Beat together the eggs and add to the mixture a little at a time whilst stirring.
3. Gently fold in the flour after sieving.
4. Place the mixture into greased cupcake cases.
5. Bake at 180°c for 15 to 20 minutes.
6. Once the cupcakes have cooled, mix together the icing sugar (sieved) and margarine until creamy.
7. Separate the mixture into three bowls. 
8. Add vanilla essence and strawberry essence to two of the mixtures.
9. Add the coffee and a splash of hot water to the third mixture.
10. Spread the icing onto the cupcakes and decorate with fruit, sprinkles of whatever else takes your fancy.

Happy baking!

Abbey xo

Wednesday 14 August 2013

A/W '13

Well, the sun has gone and there's a chill back in the air... Which only means that Autumn is approaching! River Island has prepared for this seasonal change and have their Autumn/Winter 2013 collection ready and waiting. Meet the trends you'll be wearing next season...

Click here to see more of River Island's A/W '13 range.

Abbey xo

Friday 9 August 2013

Friends Forever By Danielle Steel

"Five children meet on their first day of school, one bright September morning. Gabby, Billy, Izzie, Andy and Sean - bursting with their own personality, all with strikingly different looks and diverse talents - soon become an inseparable group, known to everyone else as the Big Five.

As they grow up, their seemingly perfect lives are altered by families falling apart, and losses and victories great and small. As they emerge from school, their futures seem neither safe nor clear, and the challenges and risks they face become greater, the losses sharper. It becomes much harder to know the right path to choose.

But despite life's ups and downs, together the Big Five are able to face up to the challenges, and to treasure valuable friendships that last a lifetime... friends forever."

Although the blurb makes this story sound thrilling and exciting, I wasn't really that impressed.

What's good about it:
- There are many unexpected twists in the book which leave you feeling shocked, surprised and eager to read on.

What's bad about it:
- There are too many characters to keep tabs on. It's hard to remember the parents and siblings of all five friends.
- The story was fairly boring and uneventful for the first 150 pages. It's only after around half way through the book that it finally becomes worth reading.
- The plot is far-fetched and very untrue to live, making the story hard to believe and relate to.
- Danielle Steel has chosen to write Friends Forever from the third person, but I think the story would have benefited a lot more from five first person perspectives. It's difficult to connect to characters when you are unaware of their thoughts and feelings.
- The ending felt rushed. The first half of the book needs condensing so the eventful part of the story is focused on in more depth.

Overall, I would give Friends Forever a miss. Danielle Steel does not live up to her name with this novel. I was slightly bored throughout and could have easily put the book down. I'm glad I only paid £1.99!

Abbey xo